Sunday, February 22, 2009

A System
A basic definition of a system: A group of interrelated or interacting elements forming a unified whole
Some examples…
The solar system
The production system of a factory
The biological system of the human body

A system involves transformation

The Processing Cycle
Input, processing and output, together with storage is often called the
Information Processing Cycle
or processing cycle
or the IPO cycle
A simple IPO

Barcodes scanned (input)
Prices, tax and total calculated (processing)
Amount due displayed (output)
Transaction saved (storage)
Communication may also be a part of this
Shop-Bank for card transaction
Components of a computer based system

Data is a collection of unorganised facts, unprocessed items, which can include:
Letters, numbers
Line thickness, magnetic strips
Data is an input in the Information Processing Cycle


Information is data organised and given meaning, which can include:
The letter, report, essay or spreadsheet
The text printed on the sales docket

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Categories of Computers

Industry experts typically classify computers in seven categories:
1.Personal computers. (PC)
2.Mobile computers and mobile devices.
3.Game consoles.
6.Super computers.
7.Embedded computers.

Personal Computer (PC)

Essentially a single-user computer
Two types of personal computers are:
Desktop computers: designed so the system unit, input devices, output devices, and any other devices fit entirely on or under the table.
Notebook Computers (Laptop): designed to fit on user’s lap. Notebook computers are thin and lightweight.
IBM-compatible refers to any personal computers based on original IBM personal computer design, IBM-compatible computers use Windows operating system. (ex. : Dell, HP, Toshiba)
nApple computers and Blackberry are not IBM-compatible.
nIn common use, PC refers to an IBM-compatible, but to a computing professional, includes above, and also Apple computers.

Mobile Devices
Mobile devices are small enough to carry in a pocket.
There are three types of mobile devices:
Handheld computer: is small enough to fit in one hand.
PDA (Personal Digital Assistance): provide personal organizer functions such as a calendar, address book, calculator , notepad, word processing …etc
qSmart Phone: is an internet-enabled telephone that usually provide PDA function.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Technology is one of the most important things
in the word because it helps people to make a lot of operations easy . Also it help people to do thing in a faster way and shorter time

So there will be no more time wasting . For that people are trying to develop this technology to make it more useful and more complete to cover all whet people need all around the word .One
of the most famous technologies in the word is computer

what does computer mean
The following points define a computer:
Electronic device
Uses instructions stored in its own memory
Accepts data
Processes data (according to specified rules)
Produces results
Stores results for future use
Computer is a device or an electronic system that contains of input units ,processing units and output units

Computer Functions
•Based on a set of instructions, process input data into output data